Our Inaction Births Our Reaction Back...

Our Inaction Births Our Reaction Back...

Our Inaction Births Our Reaction 
Back then, we all understood that agriculture was the mainstay of our economy. We were so sure that we composed a song around it ```Îsé àgbè, isé ilè wââ``` (Farming is the native business of our land ) ```Eni kò sîsé, á mà j'alè``` . ( Whoever refuses to work will steal) 
We were so passionate about it that spaces in our backyard became an extension of our farmland. We sure enjoyed meal after meal that we extended to whoever was in need. Little did we know that we were not only producing food, we were also unconsciously protecting our ecosystem, guiding against flood, constructing windbreakers, and conserving land resources.
And so suddenly, we became wiser than the Divine. We jettisoned and considered it a business for the poor. We consequently switched to anti-planet ventures and removed sustainability from view. We felt money answered all things. Here we are today. Where's our money in the face of hyperinflation? Where's the food to sustain us? Even the land we use with reckless abandon has chosen to pay back in its coin. 
Can we turn back the hand of time to the time of a Shirley and Pound for numerous goods? Our inaction in the field has birthed our reactions to hunger and starvation, and sadly money has refused to answer as we thought. 
I hope we have learned our lessons! Now is the time to embrace our first love, Farming! ```Tí ebi bá ti tán nínú ìsé, ìsé bùse oo.``` (When hunger is taken out of poverty, life will be better) A farm or garden you raise now will save you and your family from hunger and starvation in sooner time. If we all take heed, our land will marry and give birth again. 

 Yours truly, Adebukola Margaret A. 
(Sustainable Development Advocate // Disaster Risk Manage r// Climate Activist // Serial Entrepreneur. adebukola@wholeplanetinitiative.org +2347083020330.